Thursday, March 15, 2012

Weirdest Dream...

Had a dream last night where my father and mother were divorce.

My mom, brother (Raymond), and I are living in San Francisco with my grandmother. Guess my father got my sister and other brother (Jason).

Ray has become mentally unstable because of the lost of his good friend (Cathy- knock on wood) and lives offon his own somewhere. My mother is living with my grandma at what should be her old age home but resembles a homeless shelter. Bunk beds on the street??? Literally only bunk beds of the street, 3 stacked on top of each other.

I don't see this, but I know my father is well off, wherever he is.

There's a lot of hardship for my mom, who is trying to get past the divorce and poverty. Through out the dream you can see her rebuilding herself, slowly. My grandmother, in reality who is the dependent one because of health issues, is suddenly so strong, both emotionally and physically.

Eventually, my brother makes his way back around again. He is happy, healthy and suddenly really mature. He picks up helping my mom and grandma move out of the shelter.

There's this one scene that stands out for me, there's this dangerous strip of neighborhood that I keep having to walk through. I would walk through it again and again through out the dream, waiting for something to happen. But, nothing does. Literally you past this one store and it's safe again.

Suggestions on what this dream may be about?

1 comment:

  1. Hmm wouldn't surprise me to see bunk beds on the streets of San Francisco. Whatever it means, seems like everything turns out.
