So it has been 5 weeks since I started my workout regime to get back into the best shape of my life... there are many reasons for this decision. Among them, I want to be healthy and the ability to choose to do anything without physical restrictions. I feel that there are already too many barriers blocking me from happiness, why sell myself short. This is my personal goal... not anyone else's.
Second, I need to believe in what I do. Athletics Supporters has become a huge passion of mine that I will be calling my future, with that I need to align myself with my passions. I love working out and doing yoga, I want to hand my life over to exploring the possibilities.
Lastly, I love food, and there's nothing that will stop me from cooking and eating anything I love or crave. But, in order to stay healthy I need a good balance, and I have found that. I workout and push myself during the week, and on the weekends I do what I want, I go dancing, eating, drinking or nothing. This works for me, and although I have many pro friends who would offer me advice, this one works for me and my personality, so I'm sticking with it.
Status update: as of this morning I have officially lost 6 pounds, almost half of what I set off to lose. But, that's not important, its that I feel good. I'm not always tired and sore after each sporadic work out. I feel the strength in my core, my legs and my arms. I'm not the strongest or tallest, BUT I'm me and I'm okay with that!
I have another 10 weeks to go, and after that will come a personal program that involves everything I enjoy doing: Yoga, Running, Rock Climbing... and Tennis =)
Tip: It takes 3 weeks to form a habit, but it took my own decision to change my life.
4 months to go for my last summer in Korea... LEGGO!